7. Glossary


Frequently Asked Questions.


FieldComm Group.


Highway Addressable Receiver and Transmitter. A digital, serial communication protocol used to communicate with 4-20mA devices.


Massflow Controller. Flow regulating devices that measure gas, liquid or other flows and adjust an actuator, usually a valve, to regulate said flow.

Model Core

A C++ class structure that represents elements of an information model and incorporates behavior that is defined by this model. The MTP Model Core incorporated by the CENA is an example of this.


Module type package, defined by the VDI 2658.

MTP Control Engine

A program (based on the CENA) that model an underlying hardwares or controllers capabilities using the MTP, exposes this MTP-Interface using OPC UA and implements service based process control methods for said hardware.

MTP Import/Export

Semodia GmbH product names. The MTP Importer and MTP Exporter are C# libraries that enable the user to either create an MTP class hierarchy by reading an existing MTP file or export the same class hierarchy into an MTP file. Both products are entirely distinct from CENA and do not share its codebase.

MTP Engine

A Semodia GmbH product name. The MTP Engine is an MTP Model Core written in C#. The MTP Engine is only loosely related to CENA also contains a MTP Model Core, but the two codebase are otherwise unrelated.


The german User Association of Automation Technology in Process Industries, an association of process industry product manufacturers, users and academia that is commonly known for its NAMUR recommendation (german “NAMUR Empfehlung”, NE) publications.


NAMUR Open Architecture, defined by NE175 and detailed by NE176-179.


NOACE are programs (based on the CENA) running on gateways or embedded devices that expose device- or plant parameters to NOA Edge and Cloud applications over OPC UA using the PADIM information model.


Operating System Abstraction Layer. Describes software interfaces designed to abstract function typically found and expected by an underlying operating system. An OSAL promotes the “loose coupling” design principal, as functionality that differs from operating system to operating system can be implemented independently from the interface capabilities that user of these functions expect.


Process Automation Device Integration model, an information model curated by the FCG


Process Equipment Assembly, defined by the VDI 2776.


Process Orchestration Layer, defined by the VDI 2776.


Process/Parameter. A proprietary serial communication protocol implemented by Bronkhorst massflow controllers, based on RS232 and RS486 physical layers.

Service sheet

A document, most commonly a SpreadSheet, that documents the detailed properties of one or more MTP services. service sheets typically document the type and number of parameters, procedures and values in addition to the conditions under which states may be transitioned into (i.e. command-enable-bits). Most service sheets will also contain a rudimentary description of what the PEA should do while in each relevant state.